Thursday 30 November 2023
With excitement and a few nerves, Year 6 performed their last assembly for Primary School at their Graduation Celebration today. The students had fun learning Auslan to 'I Am Australian' and adding some actions to 'Aussie Jingle Bells' for the performance, their voices coming alive with each practice. With proud families cheering them on Year 6 received awards and graduation certificates and a gift to commemorate this milestone in their schooling. Awards for excellence, in sport, academics and creative arts along with the Christian service award were presented and special congratulations to Liam, Hamish, Toby and Adelaide for their receipt of these awards. Everyone was able to see how far each student had come from their first day of Kindergarten to their last year of Primary School.
In the evening Year 6 dressed up and the celebrations continued with dinner, games and dancing in the MPC. The year group had a wonderful evening together enjoying time together before their parents arrived to join in dancing to Footloose, the Nutbush and the Heel toe polka. It was a great way to see how far the students have come and how much they have grown and matured for the next adventure of Secondary School ahead.
We are so thankful for this remarkable group of young people and we are praying God’s richest blessing on them as they enter this next part of their educational journey.